carbon tax, page-24

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    the law of unintended consequences always bites these clinically insane greenies in the backside whenever they get a chance to implement their poorly thought out plans.

    The same will happen with a carbon tax which is more the thin edge of the wedge to trying to get a change of our economic system to one that matches their collective delusions better, and of course that allows lots of rent-collections for insiders along the way.

    Bill Gates made some $50-100billion from the personal computer revolution.

    Some of the scoundrels behind the global warming scam have publicly stated that they plan for carbon trading to be a $10 trillion business in 10 years or so and they are already positioned to get their percentages of the action.

    That's not $10trillion of wealth generated, just wealth drained out of communities into other pockets, primarily from the poor and middle class into the pockets of new royalty (can you spell algore?).

    However pesky voters that haven't fallen for the scam are holding up their gravy train plans.

    What is more worrying for Australia is gillard's openly stalinist way of getting this foolishness into law here:

    - first an election promise of no carbon tax to fool the masses into voting for gillard and cronies

    - after some dirty backroom deals to sneak past the finish line saddling Australia with an unworkable government, an immediate and complete reversal of previous no-carbon-tax election promise

    - then a panel of yes-men and certified greenie lunatics will pretend to deliberate on the issues of how to impliment this carbon tax. There is no deliberation of the sense of the carbon tax, just how to implement it.

    - all panel deliberations will be state secrets

    stain would be proud of gillard, she has learned the teachings of her master well...

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