Paul Craig Roberts on Navalny's death, page-59

  1. 11,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Paul Craig Roberts being used as a source by you clowns is hilarious. Wake up to yourselves. This guy is more of a whacko than you fools.

    He has been a regular guest on programs broadcast by RT (formerly known as Russia Today).[19] As of 2008, he was part of the editorial collective of the far right website VDARE.[20] He has been funded by the Unz Foundation and he contributes to the Unz Review.[21] His writings are published by Veterans Today, InfoWars, PressTV and GlobalResearch, and he is frequently a guest on the podcasts, radio shows and video channels of the Council of Conservative Citizens, Max Keiser and 9/11 truther Kevin Barrett.[19] His own website publishes the work of Israel Shamir and Diana Johnstone.[19]
    Writing in USA Today, Darrell Delamaide has described Roberts as a "conspiracy theorist",[26] a charge echoed by Luke Brinker of Salon, and Michael C. Moynihan of The Daily Beast, who has also described him as partaking in "Putin worship".

    Roberts has described himself as a "9/11 skeptic" and spoken at 9/11 Truth movement events.[34][40][41][19] Regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Roberts has written that "all evidence pointed to a plot by the Joint Chiefs, CIA, and Secret Service whose right-wing leaders had concluded that President Kennedy was too 'soft on communism'".[42] He has also stated that the Charlie Hebdo shooting has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation" motivated in part “to stifle the growing European sympathy for the Palestinians and to realign Europe with Israel”.[40][43] The Washington Post noted that in 2014 Roberts speculated on his blog that Ebola originated as a US bioweapon and this was picked up by North Korea's state media.[44]

    In 2019, Roberts wrote in support of the views of Holocaust denier David Irving, asserting that "Irving, without any doubt the best historian of the European part of World War II, learned at his great expense that challenging myths does not go unpunished... I will avoid the story of how this came to be, but, yes, you guessed it, it was the Zionists".[45] Roberts added that "No German plans, or orders from Hitler, or from Himmler or anyone else have ever been found for an organized holocaust by gas and cremation of Jews..

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