Come, everyone who thirsts, and drink freely from the waters of life!, page-21

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    "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. "

    6:63 - It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh (words) profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (Fathers words)
    "16 The Spirit himself (Abba the Father) testifies with our spirit that we are God’s the Spirit's children."
    God is Spirit

    8:15,16 - For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba! the Father! -> Himself the Spirit bears witness with the spirit of us that we are children of God.

    Abba the Father himself the Spirit, who is God, the only true God and defined by Jesus when here in 17:3

    Depending on context, passages etc, the Spirit can be deemed as, he, him, this, that, it etc, etc.
    autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
    Original Word: αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό
    Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
    Transliteration: autos
    Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
    Definition: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third person pronoun) (3) the same
    Usage: he, she, it, they, them, same.
    "It doesn't say every person that confesses, but every spirit."

    This is where and why many discussions with you, are a waste of time, you keep losing the plot.
    DRRRRRRRRRRR it's CLEARLY referencing the person as the spirit, or more like the persons spirit expressed = IN WORDS.

    Just like the God and Fathers words, are his Spirit expressed.
    Hence Jesus having the God and Fathers words without measure, meant that when he expressed them out, he Became the express image of God's PERSON = WORD, The Word.
    Jesus also shows in John 14:10, that by hearing the words from him = seeing the Father (spiritually).

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