govt rejects increase to gst, page-4

  1. 34,916 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 480
    should be abolished anyway - it is a regressive tax and hits the poor harder than the rich

    No it shouldnt be abolished. It has made business much more accountable. I remember in the IT industry, computer hardware supply businesses starting up and closing within a year to avoid paying any tax. GST also simplified the process. Previously there were so many different sales taxes for different items it was ridiculous. Simplify the system and goods will be cheaper. We need more reform no doubt, but to make less red tape, not more. Personal tax needs the biggest overhaul, it is far too complex.

    If any particular tax hits the poor hard, then there should be greater government funded aid payments to them to account for this.

    Labor were sprouting great tax reform, and we find out that their great tax reform consists of sticking an extra tax on the buregeoning mining sector, and hinging future revenue on a long-term continued strength in resources. Will come back to bite hard, can almost guarantee that. Resource industry is cyclic just like any other.

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