USA must end its weapons supply to Netanyahu's regime, page-664

  1. 47,958 Posts.
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    @Parsifal; re your latest post which included comments listed below and to which I've responded:

    . "... apparently you know better than how I feel. ..." - I've never claimed that! I have responded frankly to your comments and in good faith. You've made many 'robust' observations about what I post and which I've acknowledged by responding to you - without any personal agenda on my part. We're all blind to many aspects of ourselves that others are alert to and it appears I perceive some things about you that you are unaware of. That said, this thread is NOT about you and it's NOT about me, it's about US resourcing of Netanyahu's war machine and the impact that's having on Palestinian civilians.
    . "... you have been highly selective in your reference to history ...". Your perception is just that and nothing I say or do will change it. I've posted many times that my concern is with the impact this conflict is having on Palestinian civilians. The article I referenced in an earlier post demonstrates that so too are many Jewish Israelis ...
    . "... you have conveniently ignored the five Arab states who invaded in response to the declaration of the state of Israel which resulted in a loss and the ceding of territory that was not assigned to Israel by the UN. ...". You've been frank enough to admit that you cannot engage with the pain, suffering, losses and grief of Palestinian civilians and with comments like that one appear set on derailing this thread so that their plight is ignored.

    This forum is for robust debate of political issues, something I do not regard as either divisive or as violent conflict.

    Part of any debate should be clarity about values, beliefs, expectations and rules of engagement. I've subjected mine to the scrutiny of others and remain unconvinced from the responses posted on this forum that Netanyahu's regime has respected humanitarian values or complied with internationally agreed rules of engagement for military conflicts. I struggle to accept that Netanyahu back-slappers endorse the pain, suffering, losses and grief metered out to Palestinian civilians by a US resourced war machine.
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