Russia Ukraine war, page-206827

  1. 23,119 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Great Powers have "sphere's of influence" particularly
    over countries on their borders. The prominent exponents
    are the USA, Russia & China.

    The argument that they should not have these "spheres of influence "
    is a moral argument...not a Geopolitical one.

    For example the original US sphere of influence was ecapsulated
    in its Monroe Doctrine but since WW2 that has been extended globally
    in the form of the Cold War and US OS wars.

    During the USSR, Warsaw countries were Russia's major sphere of influence and
    constituted a buffer zone between the USSR & the West.

    While Nato was formed to prevent another European war, its
    creep eastwards arguably has increased that risk and the current
    war is evidence of that.
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