Socialism, page-4

  1. 44,238 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    Orwell addressed the extreme. yes he was inspired by Stalin's rule, but this wasn't socialism: it was a fascist dictatorship using communism as the economic management construct.

    imagine if you will pure capitalism. no regulation, total "free market economics". we can see the finest example in the US and some elements in China.

    what is the result of capitalism? many being exploited as employees and consumers. no recourse to laws for exploited people who've been harmed by corporate greed. many destitute, homeless and committing crime just to find food for the day, living hand to mouth. sure Big Profits, but theres no trickle down and so the destitute are only supported by charity.

    capitalism is criminal at its worst, and needs social values to moderate and ensure people aren't exploited to their detriment; that businesses are legally prevented from doing harm to workers and consumers.

    there's not much between Stalin and Trump. they have a lot in common.
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