Crisis, what crisis? Australia’s economy is doing well compared with many in the world, page-46

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    I think the US debt collapse has to happen. But, in respect to the rest, we need to start processing our assets here. From Ore through to finished metals.

    We can also utilise, which I would like to see, hydrogen power for that processing at a minimum. Green steel is too good an opportunity as a starter.

    I would legislate all the big miners have to invest a proportion of take on home processing.

    We also need to open up the North of the country. A trans continental rail line across the North could be the initiator of enabling a whole raft of opportunities from freight logistics, industrial application, mineral wealth application and tourism to name but a few.

    Even the yanks are realising in some states, that offshoring the homestead to China and SE Asia really wasn’t a good idea after all, even our docile Governments should see that as an indicator for global change.

    Too late? I don’t think so, but we have to start doing something, we have a nest egg to use to invest. We also will need some immigration, the useful kind.

    But America will implode. The UK won’t be too far behind and much of Europe will struggle. Scandinavia excluded. That’s a sure thing.
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