We Are Close, If Not Already In WW3 And It's America's Fault.

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    We Are Very Close to, If Not Already In, The Third World War, WhichIs Most Likely To Turn Into a Nuclear War And It's All America's Fault.


    Most of you will know the history of theUkraine war going back to 1989/90 when the USA promised repeatedly not to expandNATO, "not one inch eastwards". I'll assume most of you already know thathistory and I will do my best to repeat as little of it here as I can.

    So I ask you now to look at the YouTube clipI've posted above. Ever since the USA forcibly took Hawaii from the Hawaiianpeople in 1898/1900 there has been a large and very significant movement of indigenousHawaiians who want America to return the country to the Hawaiian people. Now,regardless of where you stand in that debate I want you consider what wouldhappen in the following scenario:-

    · The Russian Govt spends over $5Billion to bringdown the democratically elected Govt of Hawaii and replace it with a Govt sympatheticto Russia;

    · A top level Russian Foreign Affairs bureaucrat hands out cookies to the rioting mob encouragingthem in their efforts to bring down the elected Govt;

    · About 3 weeksbefore the Hawaiian Govt is brought down, the top level Russian Foreign Affairs bureaucrat is caught on tape,together with the Russian Ambassador to the USA, deciding with the rebels whoshould be appointed the Prime Minister and other Ministers in the new rebel HawaiianGovt;

    · After thenew Hawaiian (Pro-Russian) Rebel Govt comes to power, the Russian Militaryalliance (the Collective Security Treaty Organization- CSTO ) starts pouring Military and naval hardware into Hawaii with theintention of making Hawaii a member of the CSTO (but not to worry say theRussians, the CSTO is purely a "defensive" military alliance). Moreimportantly, it's perfectly clear that once CSTO forces are established in Hawaii,America will be told that it must vacate Pearl Harbour and thereafter PearlHarbour will no longer be a strategically vital American Naval base in thepacific but instead it will be transformed into a strategically vital Russiannaval base in the pacific (much like the Crimean naval port of Sevastopol hasbeen a strategically vital naval base to Russia since before the USA was evenborn).

    Now I have no doubt that the Neoconpropagandists will say that that scenario would never happen and therefore we needn'tconsider it. But when they say that, you know they've been caught out in their hypocrisybecause they're pretending not to see the real point here. Namely, that the USA/NATOwould never accept what it was trying to force Russia to accept. If the bootwas on the other foot the USA/NATO would launch a full scale nuclear strike onRussia before anyone could even utter the words Pearl Harbour will be a Russiannaval base from now on.

    But what was Russia's response. Itsought to avoid nuclear war, whilst at the same time protecting its strategicinterests in Crimea and it did so brilliantly. I strongly believe the worldowes a debt of gratitude to the Russians for their measured response in 2014, comparedto what the USA/NATO would have done if Russia forced the USA/NATO in thatposition.

    Now here's the rub. The Neocons incontrol in the USA/NATO knew when they launched this gambit to encircle Russiaand transform the Black sea into "A NATO Lake" that they were riskingthe Third World War/Nuclear War but they went ahead and did it anyway. They deliberatelyput the lives of billions of people at risk and the earth's environment at riskbecause they knew that they themselves would never accept what they were tryingto force on Russia. And don't forget the following:-

    (1) In 1962, within hours after the USAdiscovered Russian missiles in Cuba (90 miles away), JFK told the Russian ambassadorthat if Russia didn't remove the missiles America would invade and remove themitself. And please note, neither JFK or any news outlet in the USA were sayingthat Cuba had a "sovereign right" to host whatever enemy missiles, armiesand bio labs it chose and that the USA had no right to invade to put an end to thatthreat. The opposite is true;

    (2) And let's not forget the so called"Bush Doctrine" which Bush junior proclaimed to justify the USA's pre-emptivestrike on Iraq in 2003. The mere fact that Iraq "allegedly" possessedWMDs was enough of a threat, according to the USA at the time, to justify theUSA invading Iraq. But for the USA to put nuclear weapons, biological weaponsand a NATO army right on Russia's boarder well, Russia's invasion was an unconscionableviolation of Ukraine's sovereignty. Get out of here America you and your BS "RulesBased Order".

    We are likely in the Third World War. It'sa war of America's making and it's a war that they are deliberately escalatingto nuclear war because they would rather see billions die than concede defeatto Russia. We must speak up against the USA/NATO for starting this war.

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