Inside Israel's war against Palestinians, page-246

  1. 4,632 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    How do you explain Yasser Arafat's wealth???????? Seems there is a pattern in the wealth accumulation of terrorist leaders., doesn't it

    "In the mid-1990s, Arafat controlled a financial empire worth at least $3 billion.

    Although he led an ascetic existence in Ramallah, Arafat lavished money siphoned from Palestinian coffers on cronies, family members and militant groups.

    There was income from bank accounts and businesses spread across the world, often held in others' names.

    A senior Palestinian intelligence official says Arafat had a stake in a Hebron furniture company and a Syrian sewing factory. Senior Palestinian security officials tell TIME that Arafat shipped money to the gunmen of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

    The most conspicuous recipient of Arafat's largesse was Suha. People familiar with Arafat's finances say the Palestinian leader sent Suha $200,000 a month out of the Palestinian Authority's budget for the Office of the President. French authorities are investigating transfers of $11.5 million from Swiss banks to Paris accounts in Suha's name at the Arab Bank and at BNP Paribas Bank, a French bank."

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