Seek the LORD while He may be found., page-86

  1. 5,753 Posts.
    Like I keep telling you my dear whatsup, you are not properly informed to make any credible decision of what the bible is saying, and you going into Oneness and Unitarian sites to base your foundation, that in itself throws your credibility out the window

    You keep quoting 2 Thes 2:10-11

    Its pointing directly at you as you keep harping on that nobody does what you do, coming up with all sorts of imagination and take that nobody in history has ever came up with and bouncing it off this as being truth, oblivious to your jumping off a cliff with your mince meat and as whereu puts it salad included

    Do you honestly think we believe that we cannot see through you and the stupidy you put on verses

    This is the meaning of 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, the verses discuss the consequences for those who do not believe in the truth of the gospel and instead choose to follow wickedness.

    Verse 10 states, "and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." This highlights that those who reject the truth of the gospel and choose to engage in sinful behavior are ultimately leading themselves towards destruction.

    Verse 11 follows with, "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false." This verse emphasizes that God allows those who reject the truth to be led further astray by believing in lies and falsehoods, ultimately sealing their fate of condemnation.

    Overall, these verses serve as a warning to those who choose to reject the truth of the gospel and indulge in wickedness, highlighting the consequences of their actions and the ultimate fate of those who refuse to accept salvation.

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