aust defence assn backs abbott decoy story, page-16

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Michelle Grattan -

    that pillar of the Left!

    I suppose every word she's ever uttered in HER lifetime was always well thought out, well considered, and discreet, carefuly chosen, temperate/appropriate! People are so ruddy self-righteous and sanctimonius when it suits them and their angle!

    Abbott could well have said - I'm not going with HER because I'm going soon myself! (Hello Taliban!~ (Or hope the Taliband are performing for me!) lol

    And in all possibility, his trip may well have been planned
    to happen on his way back from the UK! What then WAS he to say.

    She knew that - and jumped in ahead of him - couldb;t have him there before she was! The Defence Departmenr already knew of HIS plans - well before hers! That is the likely scenario. And he had to think up something to say - off the cuff, as to why he couldn't go with her. And nor would he want to anyway! How could he form his own conclusions and find the time to consult the leaders on the ground when surrounded by a hostile Labor Party gaggle?
    He could in no way tell the public he was to call in on his way back.

    Amazing how people will hone in on such petty detail, when it's Abbott, but not utter one peep about the enormity of some of Gillard's actions - such as her sbeaky, dirty deal forming a Coalition with the Greens and Brown, AFTER a general elections (i.e. the voters can get "lost"), and whilst she was in Caretaker mode!

    That, her Rudd knife, and her sneaky deals with Wilkie, Bandt, Oakeshott and worst of all Windsor to secure herself the PM-shop (remember she called Australian troops "MY soldiers" - does she see herself as Queen? -) draws not one word of criticism or condemnation from her admiration society.

    And, does anyone notice, she hardly ever utters one sentence which does not contain the words "me", "myself", or "I".

    She is power mad - and hanging on to that, not Australia's best interests, is what gets her out of bed every morning.

    Socialism is a scourge - has always failed - and always causes trouble and sorrow.

    Sadly, someone else always has to come in and clean up the resultant mess. So it becomes a vicious circle.

    And who suffers? We - the public! Our taxes squandered - and our ideals shot to bits.

    We, the public, are having our rightful freedoms executed by the sword of other people's twisted ideologies. Freedoms which are fast disappearing under the weight of Political Correctness and Eco-Maniacal Dogma.

    Which, if we don't bend our knee to it, accuses us of ignorance, or being fools. We dare not argue the point. You WILL believe - or else. WE will MAKE you believe.

    The Climate Change Inquisition!

    I for one have had enough of all this bovine excrement. Time for us to speak out!
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