KRudd, "not the brightest bulb". LOL, page-182

  1. 83,976 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    agree with most ------- disagree with this ''So in summary, Rudd's talents are lost in the USA and would be
    better employed as Ambassador to China where our real national wealth
    has come from over the past 20 years.''

    IMO, the risk for the world is an aggressive USA

    China isn't a risk if they aren't threatened - they are natural traders. That's all they want to do - they want to sell people stuff - be it great quality, crap quality - they'll sell people what they want and in their price range. They'll buy what they need - that is what China does and has done for a long long long time.

    The USA by contrast is a war mongering mob - they've been at conflict for the vast majority of their existence and their big thing is defence expenditure - and they are active in creating wars and engaging in wars until their own people are sick of it - and the do this to such an extent that they have made a military industrial complex - for one purpose - PROFIT

    and stunningly - they are proud of it.

    Kevin Rudd - whilst IMO, an almost total dud as a PM (with a couple of exceptions) --- does shine a lot as Ambassador and he has some very good thinking on how countries can get on together -----

    to me - whilst yes, he would be of great value in China - where his words are truly needed - is in America.

    Some day, someone might pick up what Rudd says and take it forward - if they do, then the world might get a chance -

    China doesn't have to be convinced that there's a better way to live and make profit than war - China knows this - China does this, and China has done this for a very long time

    it is America which needs education, a different culture, a different attitude and a different outlook.

    China is the savy kid in the playground who will end up with a lot of marbles
    America is the fat toady kid in the playground who will go and hit people and take their marbles

    Rudd has some ideas for the bully to show that - they don't have to do the hitting and they will make MORE marbles if they behave differently

    Rudd should stay in America ----- and America should grow the hell up and put trump into the wombat ejector for once and all and fire him out into the ocean - with a very big lump of lead tied to his feet
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