And more bovine excrement from their ABC., page-142

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Some light reading for you Zipper if education is something you embrace. If not then you cannot be helped.

    What about other Pacific islands?In his speech, Mr Kelly went on to say "sinking Pacific islands" were getting bigger.Simon Albert, an expert in marine ecology and climate change at the University of Queensland, told Fact Check that the threat to low-lying Pacific islands was not the possibility of sinking but of erosion.He said that although Tuvalu's experience was largely true of the Pacific, the Solomon Islands offered a bleaker window into the future. There, sea levels had risen much faster than the global average.Between 1994 and 2014, according to Dr Albert's research, the Solomons experienced sea level rises averaging 7-10mm per year.Meanwhile, between 1993 and 2018, the global average was 3.2mm per year.While Tuvalu recorded a total rise of 15cm over four decades, the Solomons managed that in just two.Dr Albert said that in parts of the Solomons, rising seas had combined with wave exposure to cause "dramatic coastal erosion leading to recession of coastlines and in some cases the loss of entire islands".His research has shown that some of the Solomons' uninhabited reef islands, similar in structure to those in Tuvalu, had completely disappeared due to erosion.The country's volcanic islands, generally larger and steeper than atoll or reef islands, had also experienced coastal erosion. As a result, local indigenous communities — some of which had inhabited the islands for over 100 years — had been destroyed or displaced.

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