The Look of the Village Idiot, page-102

  1. 55,199 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1008
    The newer parts of the GBR are 8000 years old but the GBR itself is up to 500,000 years old and during this time it has morphed over and over again to what it is today. It has been subject to continuous cyclones, weather events, warming oceans and bleachings well before man came along and one could say it has never been bigger or in better shape than what it is today.

    One should visit the GBR for oneself and witness its living beauty rather than believe the pumped up climate crap being being fed to the mentally challenged. Its interesting that many reports and propaganda on oceans and water levels come from people that probably live nowhere near the oceans.

    Maybe they should spend their efforts on ways to clean the oceans up rather than become paranoid on its continuously fluctuating levels
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