It's over Israel, page-13

  1. 84,020 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    misinformation in war --------------- who woulda thought eh?

    And even the interpretation of imagery ----------- by people with little knowledge - yes, it's easy to get the wrong idea

    take the Israeli young woman who was seen being taken out of one vehicle and put into another vehicle by Hamas as they handled their captives

    she had blood at the back of her trousers - in the middle of her bum coming from her crotch -

    now - those with a lack of knowledge and high emotion said - oh, right there, that's proof of sexual assault

    well, no it's not -- and anyone who has any knowledge of mass trauma knows that in a traumatic event - that every woman within cooee menstruates - coming ready or not

    and whilst sexual assault was possible - far far far more likely was being abducted in a very frightening rough manner - and having no control over her bodily functions - no belongings with her and hands bound -------- no way to control or hide the bleeding

    BUT, at the same time ---------- one cannot misinterpret small dead children being dragged out of rubble

    little hands poking up out of rubble

    little girls being machine gunned

    small boys walking with a white flag and their grandma - and the grandma is shot

    nope - no such misinterpretation in those images ----------- and if foreign journos were allowed into the war zone and not freedom of the press curtailed and controlled by Israel

    there'd be hundreds of thousands of more horrid images like it

    but, there's enough --------------- for Israel - the holocaust sympathy honeymoon is over

    their survival now is teetering - some don't know it yet

    Many Jews in history have been too slow to move out of harm's way ----- those who stay in Israel now - will die for something that cannot be

    they have a choice - stay and keep up the atrocities and be wiped out - or go to other places that welcome them

    Israel will never be a 'safe haven' - not ever
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