Jews should be ashamed of themselves., page-102

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    Typical Israeli lie -- takes a special type to swallow them all , like a true glutton

    Cochav Elkayam-Levy, the Israeli lawyer at the center of the campaign accusing Hamas of systematic sexual violence on October 7, now stands accused by Israeli media of scamming donors and spreading misinformation. The allegations appeared just days after Elkayam-Levy received the prestigious Israel Prize.

    As the founder of the so-called Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas against Women and Children, Israel lawyer Cochav Elkayam Levy has been a go-to source for Western media organizations pushing the narrative that Palestinian militants carried out sexual assault on a massive and systematic basis when they attacked Israel.

    Elkayam-Levy has starred in a factually challenged CNN special on the topic narrated by the fervently pro-Israel host Jake Tapper, who identified her as “an expert in human rights law who organized a civil committee to document evidence.” Haaretz featured Elkayam-Levy as the subject of a puff piece which misleadingly claimed that her work “presents a horrifying picture that leaves no room for doubt: On October 7, Hamas terrorists systematically carried out acts of rape and sexual abuse.”

    Then, on December 6, 2023, members of the White House National Security Council and Assistant to the President and Director of the Gender Policy Council Jennifer Klein hosted Elkayam-Levy in Washington to hear “about her work to gather testimony and document evidence of the events of October 7 and develop a comprehensive accounting of gender-based violence committed by Hamas.”

    Now, the lawyer’s public relations extravaganza has earned her the Israel Prize, the most prestigious honor any Israeli citizen can receive from their government. “We must stand firm against the stark denial and the increasing tide of antisemitism,” she declared in a March 21 statement accepting the award.

    Yet three days later, Israel’s largest newspaper, YNet, published a damning exposé accusing Elkayam-Levy of ripping off major donors, including a member of the Biden administration, spreading fake Hamas atrocity tales, and failing to deliver on her promise of a major report about sexual violence on October 7.

    “People have disassociated themselves from her because her research is inaccurate,” an Israeli government official told YNet. “After all, the whole story is that they want to accuse us of spreading fake news, and her methodology was neither good nor accurate.”

    Government officials were particularly incensed that Elkayam-Levy spread discredited claims that a Hamas militant cut a fetus from a pregnant woman before raping the woman – a lie first spread by confirmed fraudster Yossi Landau of the scandal-stained ZAKA organization. “The story about the pregnant woman who had her stomach cut open – a story that was proven to be untrue, and she spread it in the international press,” the official complained to YNet. “It’s no joke. Little by little, professionals began to distance themselves from her because she is unreliable.”

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