(1) War on Gaza. (2) Debunking Jewish & Zionist narrative - miscellaneous, page-477

  1. 42,040 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1017
    " I'm not supporting any "genocide" because there is no "genocide""
    A smart response to wrap yourself around the grubby moral cloth and avoid any legal problems. It's like using a bog brush and water to clean bowel mess, looks clean but the stench is still there.

    "If Hamas reports are to be believed, 1.45% of the Gazan population has perished which doesn't represent a genocide. "
    I thought you didn't believe the Khamas reported deaths? 2M Gazans jammed into Rafah with everything else destroyed, explain that. In addition, WCK employees deliberately targeted and in so doing prevented them from feeding the starving. IDF Bombs = Holocaust gas chambers, Holocaust starvation = Gazan starvation.

    "The world lost 3-4% of its population during WW2, are you going to call it genocide of the human race from your papal throne in the heavens?"
    I didn't, look at the Holocaust museum in Israel. Interestingly it was the only group of people given that right to cast guilt on others. Other parts of the world had much bigger deaths from these evil perpetrators and manufactured history to paper over such atrocities.

    You are all over the place. Struggling to justify IDF genocidal intent? I don't blame you......
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