Iran to retaliate or Ukraine conflict to escalate hard, page-37

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    I agree with you to the extent that Israel was created over the protests of Arab nations. Go back to any of my posts and I will say that. But in an historical context it’s different and you are absolutely wrong that I am ignorant. You can view history through different eyes and there is a vast difference between historical facts ie those things that happened and interpretation. There is also the matter of context and this is a critical part of any history. We do not judge Romans against our criteria and social standards. Instead we look at tte facts and the details visible in the journals and “histories” they wrote

    after WW1 Britain was given the mandate to manage that area following the defeat of the axis powers including turkey. thus the Ottoman Empire - which was what that area was - not Palestine - was no more

    as WW2 approached many Jews moved to the area and that’s when the trouble started. Immigration, movement of people from one country to another - that’s troublesome for some people and still is. Many people are upset by the shift in australia. Walk down any street in any city and it is no longer the white Anglo-Saxon country.

    the difference between australia and the Middle East was that the Arabs and Palestinians were so opposed that violence broke out.

    I have never liked the Zionist view of the world and the UN didn’t help much. But Palestine didn’t actually belong to Palestinians at the time. Moreover a slew of other countries turned up at this time - Jordan being one of them and incorporating part of what had been in the area the Romans called Palestine

    that name happened after the Romans decided they didn’t like Jews and renamed Israel and Judah far extending the territory that had previously been occupied by what was the forerunner of Palestine. That area has belonged to so many other empires over the years

    back to the modern era. Israel did take over the area that was designated for Palestine but that was after they were attacked by five Arab states who in a rush of blood decided to attack but didn’t bother coordinating the attack or even talking to each other to work out what they were doing. So they lost. That’s what happens in war. It always has done. Which part of history are you planning to unpick so that isn’t so. Colonisation might seem like a bad idea now and I for one see so much that has been unfortunate.

    take a look at the borders of France and Germany - for centuries these borders seesawed between the two after different wars and skirmishes. The same in finland - Russia and Sweden variously “owned “ parts of finland - and so did the Germans.

    we can toddle round the world and look at that. Afghanistan - you know how many other nations have tried to crawl over that

    are you one of these people who think that all people who colonised America (north and south), canada, australia, New Zealand and much of Africa to name a few should go back where they came from and get out of the countries that all non indigenous people should leave. Or that we force Serbia, Croatia and slovenia - or any of the countries that were once part of Yugoslavia back together.

    it’s done. But instead we have now decided that it’s ok for a terrorist group to keep going. And we will reward it in due course I would think. But while the former yugoslav states appear to have settled with the split up I suspect that the violence will never stop whatever the international community- in its wisdom- forces on the area.

    so while I always thought Zionism was a bit silly I could also understand why it emerged when it did - an era of violence and pogroms. No wonder they used what they thought might he a chance to settle. And I believe it suited the nations who created Israel.

    are you aware that the first country to acknowledge Israel after it formation was actually Russia - before the US did

    so that was done. What has not been done is the hate and violence and determination to destroy Israel.

    sure you can choose hate - I think it brings untold misery
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