Russia Ukraine war, page-213518

  1. 40,584 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 508
    IMO this is a US/Russia proxy war with the Ukrainians as cannon fodder.

    you put the onus on the country that helps defend ......and none on the coun try that attacks - tht is why you are NOT neutral
    counter intuitive and also illogical
    if you or russia consider this a proxy war at all .......then why was putin that stupid to actually start it ????

    and how is the US supporting Ukraine ....which they aren't presently anyway......any more proxy than Iran and Norht Korea ?

    that's what makes me think you hate the US
    russia are just as big a warmongering nation as the US weight for weight ,
    and do it for worse motives most of the time for instance stealing another countries land .

    that latter IS what this war is about .....that and putins ego trying to make a point about russian strength ....that backfired badly .

    bottom line ....there has never been the lightest justification for rusisa to be in Ukraine and your attempts to justify that and object to anyone supporting a country VERY unfairly attacked is both dishonest and something I can never respect ....... you own a part of what russia does by defending /excsuing

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