Its Over, page-21044

  1. 22,848 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2074
    Thank you @nippy, @Taurisk, @Jazz9000 for your concerns about my absence.

    I was AFK (away from keyboard) not due to anything you mentioned (wished it was lotto lol), what happened was that I was given a 3 day holiday via the HC moderators decision to temporarily suspend me in a move instigated by a LTR cult member who is obviously concerned over my revealing posts re: EV and lithium.

    Suffice to say it has been disappointing re: moderator decision and IMO a poor judgment. Cult forums bent on preventing alternative views go to extreme ends to silencing them. But an insolent comment against our PM isn’t deemed worthy of moderating even when it is entirely irrelevant in the stock forum. There is nothing right about being rude to another even when you disagree, we can always agree to disagree.

    The last time I was suspended in relation to my “alleged trolling*” in the BUD forum, when I was simply warning holders, BUD eventually ended in the abyss and finally into administration. * Trolling is simply a word used by cult members to demonise/strike down anyone who post contrary views or anything bad about the stock. If HC forums are simply the place for endless ‘high-5’ and lifting the positive spirit, unsuspecting new entrants ought to take a large dose of precaution to do their own due diligence before getting ‘sucked in’ by all the positive talks.

    On a positive note though, this thread chalked up 13k eyeballs in the 3 days during my absence when I posted nothing, 4.3k per day is twice the average daily eyeballs. Perhaps its absence makes the heart grow fonder, lol. Or people really diving into historical posts.

    When people truly learn what I actually do in this thread, the intent is to provide advance macro insights as well as my opinions and observations to share with everyone and I share a wide range of resources at my disposal (at no cost); they’re not all doom and negative throughout the thread’s 6 year history, but lately of course it has been. So clearly people who are only interested in gains/returns and negating risks are not those who like to read/view less optimistic perspectives. The posts I choose to share obviously would be aligned with my personal views and perspectives, rightly or wrongly it is up to each individual to review, digest and take in as they see it. But what I share tend to be ‘insights’ that people may find to be counter to what they have had assumed [ examples like why Gold shares are not Gold (in the past), why rate cuts could be a precursor to a recession, that leading tech revolutionary stocks tend to front-run their potential, EV growth may not translate into commensurating lithium price (and possibly demand) growth. ]
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