question to finnet which he never answers., page-29

  1. 2,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    The problem I have with this sort of question is that the answer never satisfies the asker! Given that humanity has tripled in size in the last fifty years and resources are scarce the human race cannot grow ad infinitum therefore the natural order will prevail and restrict the population through either disease, starvation or natural disaster. We are just like any other species, we breed until natural causes force us to stop or withdraw from our habitat.

    In the natural order of things no amount of taxation or government control will make any difference as people always find a way to cheat. Why should an impoverished Bangladeshi or Indian change his ways to make life slightly better for a rich westerner! In the long term the Wests low birth rate will cause a shift of power to the BRIC countries as they will have by far the largest population and economies in the world (the greying effect which Japan is now experiencing) and our selfish young people have no interest in replicating the sacrifices which the BRIC middle class now have made to get their (multiple) kids through higher education in their countries.

    The natural attitude of a socialist is to want more government control. Unfortunately its blatantly obvious that more government is not necessarily a better thing as it leads to waste of money, human capital and duplication of effort and time that the private sector has been shown repeatedly to manage more efficiently. Government should stick to its strengths - establishment of fair taxation, law and order, mandatory healthcare and national security. Interfering in our lives with a multitude of petty rules is just annoying and intrusive and creates a magnitude of waste that is mind boggling - the UK is reeling from it.

    In time the world will sort out humanities over population problem and mother nature will restore the balance. It wont be pretty but it will be effective. You cannot have the 12bn human beings on this earth having a western standard of living as there just isnt the room or the resources to go round.

    I firmly believe that humanity will triumph over all adversity and the big government model of the present will fail. AGW is a fallacy as is the presumption that government can "fix" the environment. The status quo is completely unsustainable and the one thing I can predict is that the paradigm will shift!
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