Russia Ukraine war, page-214139

  1. 425 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34
    The difference b/w you and I Max is that I can put my arguments in a post but you can't. You post a link to one of your favorite propaganda sites and think that somehow that shows you've thought about the issues. Well, you haven't. If you cant put in your own words why you think Ukraine/USA/NATO/EU/UK are right and Russia is wrong then your "stated" "opinion" is worthless IMO. Will I read your propaganda links. No I will not. Will I read your points put in your own words? Yes, I will.

    First, let's be clear, I didn't dance around your points. I answered them directly, thats why your having problems posting a serious reply. Second, who fired the first shot? The USA/NATO and their Ukraine proxies fired the first shot. Have you been living under a rock or something that you still haven't learned that this war started in 2014 NOT 2022. And it started in 2014 when, after spending $5Billion, the USA/NATO, orchestrated a coup to depose the democratically elected Ukraine president at the time. They killed a lot of people who didn't want their democratically elected Ukraine President deposed and didn't want Ukraine to be hostile to Russia. The most horrific incident was in Odessa when the Nazis surrounded a building of about 300 pro-government protesters and burnt them alive. After that 3 or 4 regions of Ukraine broke away because they didnt want to live under that American installed Nazi government.

    Now you need to ask yourself this. When in 2014, the USA/NATO whipped up a rioting mob of about 750,000 to 1M people to depose the democratically elected president by force (out of a Ukraine population of about 40M) the USA/NATO called those riots a victory "For Democracy". But on January 2021 when over a million rioters in Washington attacked the U.S. Capitol building because they wanted to install Trump as president, despite the election result, suddenly the Americans are telling us that the riots were treason and that the riots were "an attack on our democracy and the rule of law." FFS when on earth are you going to bring a just, honest and reasoning mind to USA/NATO's warmongering because those Neocon bastards are pushing us to WW3 and they're doing it not for "democracy or freedom" but their own self-interest and they will tell any lie (just like street thugs) to convince you that the other guys are the culprits and not them.
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