scientist says "no!" to climate change, page-22

  1. 20,020 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 870
    The scientific literature is out there. You spend a few lines a making a calculation, never mind the sophisticated modelling they have done and the millions of research dollars and hours they have spent on this, yet you know what you are talking about and they do not. The thousands and thousands of peer reviewed articles out there are a waste of space as far as you are concerned, and mean nothing, yet your back of a fag packet 'calculation' is somehow correct.

    That is ludicrous. I am not interested in entering into any more moronic debates here on HC because as I have said over and over: I am not an expert, I defer to the experts. This is a total waste of time and you are not adding to any debate (which is over by the way) with those fag packet figures. The ddebate is about 'how much' and 'when', not 'if'.

    If you did go and read the literature you would also realise that the IPCC does indeed recognise water vapour as the most significant greenhouse gas, but you do not read it or you simply do not understand it.
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