Who does your doctor work for?

  1. 8,608 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 912
    From my experience seeing a number of doctors over the years there are very few that offered any alternatives to pill popping. Additionally, many are like 'fast food' services - quick in and out - one doctor even suggested going to a fast food chain for food:

    @Taurisk and others trusting, it may be worth a look as you may just question 'trusting' your doctor after.

    As for trusting big pharma - perhaps view the following too - it may change your perceptions about just how wonderful some of the 'drugs' people take actually are - note also how many drug manufacturers have 'settled' out of court to the tune of $ billions even as leaving people sick or sicker - and we should be able to trust them - we should but can you afford to?? rolleyes.png You seem to - buyer/consumer beware:

    Of course, the miracle 'experimental' and approved drugs for covid may come under more scrutiny with the passing time.

    Meanwhile, keep safe.

    People in the above video thought they would be safe and would be helped via certain drugs they were taking - they did help big pharma's bottom line - but as for getting better? rolleyes.png Watch and you may be surprised. smile.png

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