judges need to be held accountable

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    Judges need to be held accountable for allowing repeat offenders back into the community by releasing them on bail.

    How many offenders have killed or attacked people in the last 12 months while on bail???? It's an insane number of deaths.

    This is just one of many cases which is plaguing the state of Victoria currently....

    Shadow attorney-general Michael O’Brien has slammed the state government’s plan to overhaul the youth justice system, fearing it would further jeopardise Victorians.

    Mr O’Brien saidDr Ash Gordon’s alleged murderin Doncaster should be the line in the sand moment for the state government when it comes to youth justice.

    “We need to see a situation where community safety is put first,” he said on Saturday.

    “The government says it is, but clearly it isn’t.

    “We keep seeing repeat offenders getting bail time and time and time again, committing further crimes, and often worse crimes.

    “It’s time for the government to admit they’ve got it wrong when it comes to bail.

    “At the moment, if you commit an indictable offence while you’re on bail, you automatically face a tougher test to get bail again.

    “Labor is going to scrap that.

    “That makes no sense and it puts the community at risk.”

    Ash Gordon died in a violent home invasion in Doncaster on Saturday. Picture: Supplied
    Ash Gordon died in a violent home invasion in Doncaster on Saturday. Picture: Supplied

    Mr O’Brien suggested those within the state government speak to the families of victims to fully understand how the current laws were affecting people.

    “We need to draw a line and put community safety first,” he added.

    “I think the government needs to speak to some of the families who have been affected by these tragic incidents, and ask them whether they think the community is being kept safe.

    “I think everyone deserves a chance, but when you see repeat offenders continually arrested for doing the same sorts of crimes, or worse crimes, at what point do draw the line and say ‘this isn’t keeping the community safe’?

    “If Victorians think we have a revolving door on bail now, wait until Labor puts the turbo charges on with these changes they’re planning to bring in.”

    It comes as the Herald Sun revealed that one of the two teens charged over the senseless murder of Doncaster doctor Ash Gordon was on bail at the time.

    The revelation comes as Premier Jacinta Allan faces pressure to dump an overhaul of the youth justice system, including plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14.

    The state opposition has demanded the government abandon plans to raise the age and permanently shelve mooted changes that would relax youth bail laws.

    “Jacinta Allan wants to raise the age of criminal responsibility at a time when youth crime and aggravated burglaries are at a 10-year high and her government has slashed millions of dollars in vital youth justice and crime prevention programs,” shadow youth justice minister Brad Battin said.

    “The government needs to reverse its position and properly invest in prevention and rehabilitation programs that will reduce youth crime in particular.”

    Under current plans, the government has committed to raising the age a child can be arrested, charged or jailed from 10 to 12 by the end of this year.

    The age will be raised again to 14 by 2027 with the exception of some crimes, including homicides.

    Ms Allan said on Friday the overhaul of the youth justice system was a key priority for the government.

    “There’s not one simple answer. We know that we need to continue to work very hard on prevention,” she said.

    “The best way to address youth crime and youth offending is to get in and prevent it in the first place.”

    She said it was vital to work with young people to keep them connected to their families, schools, and communities.

    But the family of Mr Gordon, 33, accused the government of not doing enough to combat youth crime.

    Last edited by Goblin: 23/04/24
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