Young terrorists, page-51

  1. 82,637 Posts.
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    Singapore is -

    1. An Asian culture
    2. Singapore is vastly differnt in it's thinking in many other ways - for instance
    Singapore does have a strong welfare-oriented housing system, though it differs significantly from the traditional Western welfare state model.The key points are:
    • Singapore has invested heavily in public housing, with the government-run Housing Development Board (HDB) providing affordable housing for the majority of the population.
    • This public housing system is funded through the Central Provident Fund (CPF), a mandatory savings scheme where a portion of workers' salaries are deducted and can be used for housing, healthcare, and retirement.
    • The housing system is designed to promote home ownership and self-reliance, rather than direct welfare handouts. Citizens are encouraged to use their CPF savings to purchase HDB flats.
    • While the government provides subsidies and grants to keep HDB housing affordable, the system is not a pure welfare model. Citizens are expected to rely on their own savings and family support before turning to the government.
    • This approach aligns with Singapore's philosophy of emphasizing self-reliance, family responsibility, and minimizing direct state welfare provision.
    In summary, Singapore has a unique public housing system that serves a welfare function, but is structured around individual savings and responsibility rather than a traditional welfare state model. The housing system is a key pillar of Singapore's overall approach to social development.

    3. The culture of Singapore was hugely affected and formed by Lee Kuan Yew who is widely recognised as the founding father of the modern Singaporean state, and for his leadership in turning it into a highly developed country under his guidance.

    Lee was a one man band ------- and a very different thinker.

    See Oz as having a one man band, do we? --------- And see Ozzies allowing a very different thinker to not only get into power, but to maintain it? -------------- Don't think so
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