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    “COVID-19 vaccines saved at least 17,760 lives over two years in NSW as waves of Delta and Omicron radiated across the state, a squad of number-crunching boffins from RMIT and Monash University have estimated in new research.

    Researchers relied on data from people aged over 50 in NSW, but say the figures are nationally representative because that state has the largest population. Mostly older people died from COVID-19.

    Modelling was used to compare the number of people who died with or from COVID-19 between August 2021 and July 2022 (which captures the Delta wave and the onset of Omicron) with a hypothetical scenario in which vaccines never made it to Australian shores.

    They calculated about 21,250 people over 50 would have died in NSW – six times the actual total. Put another way, the vaccination campaign probably prevented about 17,760 deaths in NSW. And that’s a conservative estimate.

    The PLOS One study also found that unvaccinated people had 7.7 times the death rate of those who were double vaccinated and 11.2 times the death rate of people who got a booster shot.”

    More contrived modelling to push the lie that the mRNA vaccine is safe.

    The study is flawed for a number of reasons. These are:

    1. The study assumed that the vaccine took two weeks to provide immunity so they shifted vaccination coverage. As can be seen below, half the reported and suspected deaths from the vaccine came in the first two weeks. To code any injuries or deaths in the first two weeks after vaccination as unvaccinated is just straight out fraud.

    2. 80% of people who had Covid when they died had other serious comorbidities. To argue these people would not have died because they were vaccinated is absurd. The study is assuming the mRNA vaccines prevents other comorbidities. Why not claim the jabs make you better looking!

    3. The NSW Health Department engaged in back capturing. This meant that anyone who had Covid in the 28 days prior to entering hospital even if the had recovered were counted as having Covid. Yet again this is just straight out fraud. (See my post 15/02/22 - link in comments.)

    4. The study focused on people over 50. Younger people should have been included. The average age for serious reported adverse events from the jab is 49 years. Given younger people had less risk from Covid and a higher risk from the Jab it is highly unlikely there is a favourable risk reward ratio from taking the jab for people under 50.

    5. It’s not clear how people with unknown vaccination status were counted.

    6. Monash University has received funding from Bill Gates and Big Pharma. The media did not report their conflicts of interest.

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