racial vilification - enough is enough, page-33

  1. 4,606 Posts.
    re: racial vilification - the work of sunny joe You have to wonder why this racist creep is not in the can already;

    23/12/04 13:37 - 75 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #156264 - in reply to msg. #156260 - splitview

    Now that the aura of invincibility has been shattered concerning US military might ( everyone knows they are losing badly), it is time to get to the root of the problem --- Isreal. Such a small country -- should be able to wipe 'em off the map before too long. Seems to me that the US public will only stand for just so much indoctrination before finally realizing they are being duped -- then it will be little 'ol Isreal all on it's own. Bring em on, I can hear the Yak scream -- I say the same thing.

    29/12/04 20:27 - 40 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157450 - in reply to msg. #157446 - splitview

    Pretty fascinating isn't it ? People who prefer the stench of ANYTHING to that of the stench of jews. I guess they just don't want to play that most jewish of games -- give ( supposedly) with one hand while stealing it back ( in spades ) with the other. Besides, all that jewish generosity comes at the expense of US and Australian taxpayers. Anyone ever wonder what/who constitutes the IRS and it's Australian equivelant ?

    29/12/04 20:41 - 36 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157455 - in reply to msg. #157453 - splitview

    Pretty easy to understand how people form perceptions about jews when HC's leading jewball maggot posts

    29/12/04 20:55 - 32 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157460 - in reply to msg. #157458 - splitview

    Who says no one likes muslim nations ? I know of about 3/4 of the worlds population who do. Isreal on the other hand, has a pretty big problem ( rightfully so ) in that regard. In fact, name me one nation ( apart from that with the most indoctrinated people on earth ) who considers Isreal ( that spelling again ) to be anything but the bloodsucking ,slimeball ,swindling big crime family that it is.

    29/12/04 21:07 - 27 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157465 - in reply to msg. #157462 - splitview

    name one country apart from that which can't help itself, that likes/admires Isreal, ypres. And as for the spelling, it is not illiteracy, it is mere disrespect on my part for a nation that has become little more than a prison screw ( and a brutal demented one at that )

    29/12/04 22:32 - 57 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157521 - in reply to msg. #157518 - splitview

    For some reason, jews often deny being so, just as they often try to disguise the fact by taking assumed names. Guess thats why they are the masters at identity theft ( just ask New Zealand )

    30/12/04 09:43 - 17 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157573 - in reply to msg. #157471 - splitview

    Fancy that !! jewish propoganda depicting drug dealers as black, hispanic -- Italian even. The fact is that almost all amphetamines are produced and distributed by jewish gangs. Another fact is that the worlds cocaine supply is not regulated by columbian drug lords, but jewish swine who sit atop the chain of command.

    29/12/04 21:46 - 30 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157486 - in reply to msg. #157483 - splitview

    This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men.

    Sounds like the Isreali template.
    ( ha ha )

    30/12/04 09:49 - 20 reads
    Posted by sunnyjoe
    Post #157577 - in reply to msg. #157541 - splitview

    Incredible !! Americans willingly donate to people who least require aid ( Isreal) and ignore those who really do need it. Just shows what a powerful jewish lobby can accomplish, combined with the jewish characteristic of extreme whingeing.


    Of course there's a lot more

    and even more under his other primary 'nic'

    But I think you get the point

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