9/11 fire-fighters: explosives in building, page-184

  1. 3,395 Posts.
    Here is some of the stuff emailed by a friend in NYC few yrs back regarding the conspiracy etc, some interesting facts amongst it.

    CIA director nominee Greenburg is CEO of AIG;

    Ret CIA dir Slatkin is on Citibank board;

    Ret CIA dir Deutch boards Citigroup;

    CIA Exec Dir Krongard profited in millions off 911 insider trading & Chaired investment bank A.B. Brown & Vice Chair of Banker's Trust;

    Bush Sr worked CIA since 63 & chair investments with Bin Ladens, younger Bush runs WTC security (allowed 6 days w/out security prior to 911), only money Lil Bush made was through Bin Ladens;

    VP of NYSE Doherty is x-CIA;

    CIA Dir Casey chairs SEC

    We are at the non-sustainability point of Democracy!

    Here is the Pattern that put the banking Mafia in Charge:

    Community Reinf Act, its enhancement in 95? under Clinton; ending the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act; Sarbanes-Oxley Act of July 2002; lifting of leveraging rules; TARP; elimination of the Uptict Rules; FED now rules commodity market = electronic counterfeiting of commodities (ending of 5th Amnd constitution of title):

    Counterfeiting of securities is the new drug!

    The privately owned (by foreign investors) Federal Reserve Bank, acting as bartender, gives out free booze to the bankers

    The banks in turn have created many fake instruments like derivatives

    One quadrillion dollars is the sum of outstanding fake derivatives (fake money pledged by the wealthy banks to buy real things) 1,000,000,000,000,000 on the market, (e.g. a bank with only one real dollar can legally say it owns several billions of real dollars) ? The total combined assets of the world is only actually a very small fraction of that sum!

    They will pop this bubble so they can buy up real assets!

    700 Billion bailout to banks is nothing because the FED has actually been doling out on average 188 billion PER DAY to bankers all along

    The pentagon admits that 2.3 Trillion dollars has gone missing, ($8000 from every man, woman & child in the USA ) ? By the way, the Army office conveniently hit at the Pentagon on 911 was their accounting office!

    ?Add together the unfunded liabilities from Medicare and Social Security, and it (US Federal Debt) comes to $99.2 trillion over the infinite horizon? Richard W. Fisher, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, (July 22, 2008 San Fran Chronicle)

    Silverstein spends 140 million to make 7 billion from WTC towers almost over night; Silverstein said it was demolished by explosives, (?pull it?); Byrd, owner of TX School Book Depository, turned a 2.5 million insider purchase into 26 million dollars thanks to JFK assassination!

    My personal list of 911 lies:

    1) No hard evid connecting Bin Laden

    2) Alleged hijackers were drunken gamblers who paid prostitutes

    3) Cell phone calls disproved

    4) Evid of Muslim hijackers clearly show signs of fabrication

    5) In flight emergencies typically intercept in 10 mins

    6) Yet no FAA or Military person reprimanded

    7) 911 commission failed to mention Mineta report

    8) A terrible pilot hits pentagon accounting office holding records of missing 3 trillion in oil for money scheme

    9) SS reveals foreknowledge that Bush not a target

    10) Steel-framed high rises takes many times hotter temp to melt, (min 3000 deg)

    11) Video & reports of other explosions in all towers

    12) Nat Inst of Stand & Tech refuses to report on WTC7

    13) Many profited off WTC collapse yet not investigated

    14) Bush delays 431 days, only spends 5 mill, & tried to hire Kissinger for 911 report

    15)Pentagon debris a single 3 foot engine ? Proven not related to 757

    16)FBI took all recordings & refuses to show

    17) The 911 Commission hid that the top Pakistani in its ISI (CIA), Gen Mahmoud Ahmad, paid off Mohammad Atta for 911 & the future director of the CIA, Senator Bob Graham, & Chairman Goss worked with Ahmad the very day of the pay off; Ahmad also worked with CIA dir Tenant morning of 911; it should be understood that Lt. General Ahmad as head of the ISI was a "US approved appointee"

    18) 911 Commission hides that Bush?s brother was head of security at WTC; unprecedented last min bldg power down entire weekend just before 911, (which meant NO SECURITY & video cams off), while men with miles of cable came in & began unknown work; security was lifted & bomb sniffing dogs removed 5 beginning days prior!

    19) WTC towers were tasked to remove all asbestos, an impossible task; today not a legit effort to replace them

    20) thermite (including oxidizer potassium permanganate) at all WTC bldgs including 7 prove arson!

    21) FBI gives list of 18 hijackers (incl 3 on flt 93) before south twr falls & before flight 93 crashes; Yet NORAD says it didn?t know 93 was even hijacked!

    22) CIA Ex Dir A.B. Krongard helps himself & CIA profit in the millions from insider trading via 911; then tells FED to leave Bin Laden alone

    23) Moussaoui was arrested 8.15.2001 & confessed; FBI agent Harry Samit who wrote 70 complaint to agency & gov between 8.16 and 9.11.2001 to no avail; FBIs RFU Chief blocked Moussaoui warrant & investigation; CIA blocked this investigation & of other terrorists (Midhar & Hazmi, etc); Army intelligence protected Atta?s cell, (see Rep Curt Weldon?s congressional notes), without Atta 911 would not have happened

    Supposedly due to a few small fires, WTC7 came down at free fall speed into its own foot print; wasn?t hit by a plane; it was the furthest away from the Twin Towers , (the other smaller WTC bldgs were impacted by debris); it was reported by the BBC 20 minutes before it even happened! Nat Inst of Stand & Tech refuses to report on WTC7

    Gov refuses any & all security camera tapes; all related investigative documentation; passenger lists; access to the physical evidence of the crime; black box recordings; and most other information related to 911; or even scraps of info despite countless FOIA requests; no evidence connecting Osama; !

    911 was a public snuff film used to shock the public and enact the end of the Bill of Rights & invasion of oil bearing countries, (recall that in Afghanistan the Caspian Sea pipeline had been given to Argentina; Afterward, Condi Rice made huge profits when stolen for Shell Oil); & make money for private companies like Halliburton, (stock from 10 to 50 a share)!

    By destroying the WTC, they were able to cover up theft of gold bullion & destroy illegal financial transaction records performed just prior to the attacks

    Today more private contractors in Iraq than soldiers, (14000) ? And getting paid a heck of a lot more; Cheney profits from these, the oil wells, and he profits 85 billion invested in US Prisons (he was just indicted for fraud coverup in Texas over his prisons)!

    Now we are under Napoleonic Code: What ever is not specifically permitted is prohibited ? War on Terror is really a war on your liberty! The USA is now a military zone called NORTHCOM

    Washington Post: Al Qaeda interrogation tapes were destroyed by CIA without any disclosure to anyone in the Chain of Command underscores the nature of the deception!

    Epic "failures" of 911 -- followed by promotions and budget increases!

    Coke runner Orlando Bosch, who conspired to blow up a plane, was given US Citizenship by Jeb Bush; George Bush released convicted Cuban killers Moffit & another

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