When you turned on the light, page-112

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    Net zero targets | Climate Action Tracker

    interesting read or should I say a "smashing read"?


    "We evaluate China’s net zero target as: Poor.

    China submitted itsMid-Century Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy(LTS) on October 28, 2021 to the UNFCCC, which contains the country’s commitment to reach “carbon neutrality before 2060”. The commitment was first declared at the UN General Assembly in September 2020 by President Xi Jinping (FMPRC, 2020).

    The Long-Term Strategy (LTS) seems to confirm it covers only CO2 emissions in the official submission, whereas previously the CAT assumed the coverage was for all GHGs. The target is not yet enshrined in official law but has become a core focus and narrative across all national and subnational planning documents, government notices, and politburo convenings, which was reaffirmed in China’s 2022 “Two Sessions” (Xinhua, 2022). If China’s net zero target were to cover all GHG emissions, its long-term strategy could be within range of mid-century Paris Agreement compatible emissions levels, although compatibility also depends on the shape of the pathway (Yvonne Deng et al., 2020)."

    Last edited by tbirdsrgo: 15/05/24
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