Jewish Council Australia - Sarah Schwartz today's interview, page-252

  1. 43,902 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1032
    So, the number of Palestinian casualties is higher than Israeli by a factor of 20 times and you now want to compare the number of rockets fired? Why not count the number of rocks that unarmed Arabs have been throwing?

    This is before the current genocide.

    Islam has the derivative extremists of AQ, ISIS, JI, Al-Nustra, etc
    Judaism has its derivative extremists of Zionist, Ben Gvir/Smortich type to the lesser versions.
    Christianity has its derivative of JW, Schoefield evangelists, etc. Should we include Biden's corrupted RC views?

    The rise of Islamists has its roots in the state of Zion, which invented terrorism from the King David bombing. Monkey see monkey do?
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