Why they fear Trump, page-1738

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    Trump’s social media account shares video referencing ‘unified reich’
    Trump’s campaign said a staffer did not see the word ‘reich’ in the video.


    Donald Trump’s social media account on Monday shared a video referencing a “unified reich” in a post about how the country will change if he becomes president again.

    The Associated Press first reported that the text appeared to be lifted verbatim off a Wikipedia entry for World War I, reading “German industrial strength and production had significantly increased after 1871, driven by the creation of a unified Reich.”

    Trump in 2022 came under fire after having dinner at Mar-a-Lago with prominent antisemites Kanye West and Nicholas Fuentes, prompting the Republican National Committee to pass a resolution soon after condemning antisemitism. Trump has also faced heavy criticism for previous dehumanizing comments echoing Hitler’s rhetoric, including referring to political enemies as “vermin” and asserting that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”


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