Jewish Council Australia - Sarah Schwartz today's interview, page-527

  1. 2,055 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    I think your hallucination that Jews have a particular desire to disrupt white majority nations is just another stretch of your imagination and something only you need to deal with should it be a concern to you.

    Regarding Gaza there's no reason for me not to answer.
    You ask if I think the Jews will expel them forever. My answer is a definitive no. The Jews/Israel do not want Gaza, do not want to expel them forever nor desire to occupy the land. The Jews/Israel wish for Gaza to be a thriving and peaceful neighbor. Gaza needs to be rebuilt and it needs an Arab governance that cares about its people and peace and prosperity. It will take time and I'm not sure you nor even I will be around to see that day.

    Regarding my 'noisy' travelling. There was no typo. Hezbollah is indeed creating havoc in the north of Israel. I am currently living it live. For all your ridiculous calls for red flags and suggestions that Israel is behind or even desires the attacks as an excuse for her to war against Iran or anyone else - you are so very wrong in your assessment. The entirety of Israel's northern population is living under war conditions and have been for the best part of a year, with entire communities and towns having been evacuated and destroyed. If Israel wanted to she could most certainly knock Lebanon and Iran back into the Stone Age and no one in the world would shed a tear - and if she wanted to she would have already done it.

    In your self-convinced delusion that Israel and Jews are evil you fail to see the or know the true good she/we really desire.
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