white knights

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Just how many of these does Julia have?

    Hearing Craig Emerson verballing Tony Abbott overnight (Abbott had the TEMERITY to sound off at the "Government"
    (a loose terminology for Shambles) for THEIR Hansenisms! yesterday) -(and about time you got angry Tony! - time to be Mr. Nice Guy is long over!) I reming myself that DR. Craig is an ex (shall we say to be polite) "boyfriend" of Ms. Gillard.

    (would the above paragraph pass a VCE English test - don't think so.)

    Gillard also has other White Knights - although not of the canoodling kind.

    The Faceless Men
    The Unions (22 of them support and fund the NSW Labor Government)
    Bob Brown and his Loopy Men (and Women). His trusty steed is called "Death Duties and Other Dirges".
    Bruce Hawker (Labor Heavyweight of the Windsor family)
    Tony Windsor (the pseudo Independent of the Hawker family)
    Rob Oakeshott (He just vetoed another enquiry into something or other costing scandal the libs proposed - to protect Julia from the scrutinies he was so keen on - another pseudo Independent whose jousting stick seems to have broken - or he's mortally winded)
    Adam Bant
    Andrew Wilkie
    Wayne Swan (World's Best Treasurer?)
    Anthony Albanese (World's Best Snarler?)
    Kevin Rudd (World's Best Chameleon and future UN Sec Gen)
    Michelle Grattan
    Laurie Oakes
    Tony Jones
    Leigh Sales
    and most of the Politicial Commentary media
    The whole of ABC Radio
    Most of ABC TV
    Harry Jenkins
    Compulsory voting
    Greens Preferences
    Doctors wives and inner

    Could go on but it's boring.

    On ya Craig. Every bloke sticks up for his ex- girlfriend.
    Now that's on the record.

    Maybe to help Abbott look "racier/sexier" I'll start a rumor about him and Bronwyn Bishop! hahahahaha. (TG It's Friday).

    PS - Mme. Gillard off on another talk-fest to Vietnam and places Asian this weekend. Would like to be a fly on the wall for THAT one - see her honing her diplomacy skills. ("We're "gunna" do this - and "we're gunna do that - and by the way - want any boat people??? Or Pink Batts?? Going cheap???")

    No, she'll put on her solemn face, t a l k s l o w l y and look as if she knows what she's doing. And Wayne might go. He'll slay 'em. He's a personality kid that one! And he can add up on his fingers. Or the backs of envelopes.

    But a lost photo opportunity - Gillard with the Melbourne Cup. Gillard with the Winner. Gillard in the feathered hat. Shucks!

    Talking of the Melbourne Cup - which we weren't - it's going to rain buckets all weekend - one month's rain in one day predicted for Derby Day - and Tuesday to be wet too; so look for wet track runners folks.
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