Surely the LNP have to Sack Dutton and Taylor soon for incompetence - with an Election Looming ?, page-154

  1. 86,404 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Taylor has no lack of either confidence in himself or his ambition to rule the country.''

    personally, I suspect that Taylor probably isn't confident ------------ he's just a show

    he 'might' be confident - that would mean that he believes his own bullshit. But, if he's got any brains at all - he would know his limitations and just be wilfully acting a part - and getting away with it fairly well.

    ''and Ley too has her ambition to lead and maybe even be PM. and she would have be an improvement on either of the two jerks.

    but who could actually unify the Lib moderates and extremists?''

    I think it's an almost irrelevant discussion - because I don't think they've got anyone at all of quality -------- or if they have, they have them very well hidden.

    Their best person by a country mile jumped off the boat into the water a few years back - Julie Bishop

    now she probably didn't have everything - that's for sure. But, she looked the part and she had a strong respect level overseas --------- and she didn't want the job of PM -

    why would be the question ------ and I think there are probably a few reasons - some of which would have been that she knew that the machine was old and dodgy, she knew that she couldn't change it, she knew that there was no quality, she knew that she would have been up against it because she is a 'she'

    ok she might have had personal reasons, - but, I think most likely she probably just knew that she couldn't bring the changes necessary to drag the party out of oblivion and into something that fitted the times

    in short - I think the party is deceased. It 'might' come into power again - but, without looking totally different - it will just provide more years of disaster ------- until they can get a set of principles to match policies ------------ and those policies be clear AND doable --

    all they will be is a poor quality straw for very unhappy voters to grasp at when Labor is on the nose
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