Russia Ukraine war, page-222150

  1. 468 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38
    This is the lie the NATO warmongers tell to keep their populations constantly frightened so America can keep its hegemony and its empire and NATO can continue its forever wars.

    Russia spent billions on gas pipelines to Europe.Why? Because Russia wanted to sell Europe its gas. So would it have made sense for Russia to attack and keep attacking the countries it wants to trade with? Of course NOT! America started this war with Ukraine, deliberately because NATO is NOT defensive but expansionist. It wants to expand into Ukraine and Georgia, just as it expanded in all those other countries since the 1990s surrounding Russia. And here's the rub. America has been saying at least since Trump, what a bad idea Nordstream was. Why was it a bad idea? Because it brought Russia and the rest of Europe too close together and friendly for America's liking. The closer Russia and the EU got the more the Americans were scared that Europeans would ask, ":Why do we need America's continued occupation in Europe and why do we need NATO?": And thats why America was determined to destroy nordstream because they were scared that the Europeans and Russia would become peaceful and harmonious.
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