Australia's Nuclear Future, page-122

  1. 59,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 310
    If coal, gas, oil, diesel, etc are to be extinguished under the mad Bowen's plot, then nuclear is the only answer for reliable baseload power into the future.biggrin.png

    Some countries are fortunate to have natural hydro resources. Some countries are fortunate to have massive oil reserves. Some countries are fortunate to have massive gas and/or coal reserves. Many countries are smart enough to have developed nuclear power generation.

    Meanwhile, in the Antipodes, we have a madman running around frenetically trying desperately to re-invent the wheel.

    Renewables are good. They can be useful in providing medium to long term, reasonably reliable power especially with expensive battery backup.

    Solar roof top power has been a great contributor to power generation for residential, some industrial and some mining purposes.

    However, both solar and wind have their obvious limitations. The sun or wind is unreliable. Power generation from such sources is naturally intermittent.

    The other hurdles to provision of 24/7/365 reliable electricity from these sources is the massive cost in both dollars and the environment.

    Some refuse to admit (especially the mad Bowen and his son/daughter, he, she, him, they, it?, acorn) a few relevant facts:

    1) The planned and yet to be planned renewable infrastructure will result in the following: A massive costly blow-out (As is common with any such endeaours); destruction of thousands of valuable hectares of farmland; a blight on the environment by the destruction of rural landscape and the required massive increase in mining activity for "battery" minerals. Think on Worldwide scale!

    2) The required continuation of massive mining as much of the required raw materials are not recyclable; the environmental problems associated with recycling and disposal of unrecyclable material.

    3) The depreciation of renewable infrastructure and the massive repetitive cost associated with upgrading or replacing such infrastructure.

    Obviously there will be other recurring problems which can't be envisioned as yet.

    In essence therefore, while renewables certainly have their place in the power generation mix, their inherent limitations, according to experts in the field, in Australia's case, will probably only ever produce some 70% of required (reliable?) power for the continuation of a growing economy.

    Bowen, his erstwhile relation, the indoctrinated, tunnel vision, acorn have hoodwinked many by espousing massive lies surrounding the cost and reliability of stand alone renewable power for Australi.

    At last there appears to be a realisation of those lies and conflations, with many more people becoming aware by expert publications and commentary of the massive burden potentially to be inflicted ion Australia taxpayers by Bowen and his deluded acolytes.
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