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    Dear @sabine,

    I am so sorry to hear of your health struggles. But very heartened to hear of the progress which you are making.
    You were so correct in sticking to your gut feelings/principles. I would hate to imagine how the jabs could have made you very ill. You are a bright and brave lady

    My oldest daughter was wise enough to see straight through the conspiracy and refused vaxes.
    She did catch covid a couple of weeks ago, but felt a bit rotten for a few days and then sprang back to health.

    For me, I have always been into natural medicine etc.we were organic farmers in England and here in Aus.
    My husband is quite a few years older than me and more of a conformist.
    So I made the (wrong) decision to go along with the vaccines.

    I have had a complicated journey. I have suffered from panic attacks and depression for over 40 years.
    In late 2019, I lost a beloved family member. I fell to pieces and cried constantly, could not function. I was lucky enough to see psychiatrists free of charge as we were living in the wheatbelt. I was diagnosed with PTSD severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I had already had to sell my thriving business several years before, as I could no longer drive.He then told me that I had suffered a nervous breakdown, which did make sense.

    In 2020 I had my first jab and later I had the Astra Zeneca. Slowly but surely, my health deteriorated, I barely left my bed, but just put it down to my anxiety. My depression was under control.
    It is so hard for me to recall the exact sequence of events as I have brain fog, quite badly.

    Anyway, I will try. I could barely function by then, but could still walk around and go on the occasional short car journey, if I took a valium, which was severely rationed. I could not enter a shop without freaking out, so my life was getting smaller and smaller and my poor husband had to do more than his fair share.

    Then I had my third jab and felt exhausted all of the time, I read what I could and from 2021, we took quite large doses of Vit D, C and Zinc and many other vitamins. Plus, like you we ate a very clean and healthy diet.
    I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and high cholesterol, one damn Dr persuaded me to take statins, I finally agreed to a very low dose, but I am not happy tbh taking them.

    Then we could no longer manage the farm and sold it regretfully about 18 months ago and moved back to the burbs. This was traumatic for both of us. After this and up until the present, I am practically bedridden.
    I had the worst pains which you could imagine in my back. I had an MRI scan and there was damage arthritis and osterthritis plus damage in my lower spine. I had a steroid injection, which did not help to start with, but this is now improving. My left knee, which I dislocated twice and then was operated on, when I was a teenager, suddenly flared up. In the end I had to buy a zimmer frame with wheels and have been walking around the house using this for short periods.

    My last covid vax was over 6 months ago and shortly afterwards I noticed these broken veins on my arms, worse on the right side. I did ask our Dr but he basically said, nothing to worry about! As I had a few broken veins on my face, due to smoking hmmm. But they are not receding.

    My husband is going to the UK next month, we both used to go every year, but it is out of the question now for me. He was very concerned about catching Covid and asked the Dr’s advice, he was told to have a shingles jab and another covid jab, which he had last week. Now he is dead confused, he lost the car the other day and is saying very strange things. I so wish he had not had it.
    So this is a bit of my story, one GP told me to take Betavit Vit 1 supplement for my liver, I think this is good tbh.

    I apologise for this long winded post.
    I do totally agree that this thread could be used to help people and exchange positive ideas, but it needs to stop the judgement, which will drive people away, as it did with me 3 years ago. Had I not been driven away by the vitriol and aggression, I may have taken a different path?

    I would love to meet up one day, I am in Perth and ages ago I believe that you did invite me to a cafe in Scarborough where you and another chap, met up to discuss shares. But as I was new to the game, I felt I had nothing to offer, but all I have done since, is lose something like 50% of the money which I invested. I am hopeless

    You take care of yourself.

    Here are two photos of my arm. Not a pretty sight!

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