Bird Flu is a serious threat, page-60

  1. 13,900 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 700

    I think initial response when you dont know whats happening was OK, flatten the curve and minimise social contact. Seek information and lockdown in local outbreaks till we have data and understand the virus and its impact.

    It became abundantly clear by late 2020 that the main victims were elderly, immune compromised, overweight and people with serious co-morbidity. Once the data was in then the first priority needed to be protocols surrounding high risk groups - making sure they were not put at undue at risk during spikes in infections. We were woeful at managing infection in vulnerable hospices and hospitals mainly due to not enough testing and no quarantine period for workers working with vulnerable patients.

    The covid zero lockdowns in 2021 and 2022 were just dumb. Mask mandates were dumb. Free testing was good, paying workers to stay home when sick was good.

    Sweden had the right idea, give people information and access to all treatments and let them manage risks for themselves. Dont force people to take vaccines with social punishments let people make their personal medical decisions. As a society encourage the sick to isolate stay home and friends and family or public services bring them food drops till they recover.
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