Jesus Christ was not Jewish, page-425

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    Hello. Lets go thru the Jewish Bible and list some of the untrue & megalomaniacal rants from there about "the nations". Its certainly a very weird irony that for many 100s of years these Jews had delusions of power when they had no power at all. Even today they have no power, apart from the power given to them by whatever other "nation" gives them. Instead of being devoted to God, they devoted themselves to money; money which they could use to buy political influence. Then came the Mercantile & Industrial Age and suddenly these people were on top of the political heap of the various mercantile blood suckers (such as the Dutch, English & Americans). Of course, none of this is related to religion. This is what is called "worldliness".

    But if we carefully read the quotes below, we can easily discern how this Jewish religious frame of mind does not lead to harmonious living with others. Its like a doctrine of killed or be killed.

    Genesis 26:4 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,

    Genesis 27:29 May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.”

    Genesis 35:11 And God said to him, “I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants.

    Genesis 49:10The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.

    Exodus 15:14 The nations will hear and tremble; anguish will grip the people of Philistia.

    Leviticus 20:23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them.

    Leviticus 20:26 You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own. rolleyes.png

    Leviticus 25:44“ ‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. rolleyes.png

    Leviticus 26:38 You will perish among the nations; the land of your enemies will devour you.

    Numbers 24:8“God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox. They devour hostile nations and break their bones in pieces; with their arrows they pierce them.

    Deuteronomy 2:25 This very day I will begin to put the terror and fear of you on all the nations under heaven. They will hear reports of you and will tremble and be in anguish because of you.”

    Deuteronomy 4:38 to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you into their land to give it to you for your inheritance rolleyes.png, as it is today.

    Deuteronomy 10:15 Yet the Lord set his affection on your ancestors and loved them, and he chose you, their descendants, above all the nations rolleyes.png—as it is today.

    Deuteronomy 15:6 For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.

    Psalm 10:16 The Lord is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land.

    Psalm 44:2 With your hand you drove out the nations and planted our ancestors; you crushed the peoples and made our ancestors flourish.

    Psalm 149:7to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples,

    Isaiah 2:2 In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.

    Isaiah 8:9Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle, and be shattered!

    Isaiah 34:2The Lord is angry with all nations; his wrath is on all their armies. He will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter.

    Isaiah 37:12Did the gods of the nations that were destroyed by my predecessors deliver them—the gods of Gozan, Harran, Rezeph and the people of Eden who were in Tel Assar?

    Isaiah 40:17Before him all the nations are as nothing; they are regarded by him as worthless and less than nothing.

    Last edited by GKeden: 14/06/24
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