swan appears to be backing away from surplus, page-7

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Swan is tackling the big banks with a wet hanky slap.
    That's effective. They're taking notice! In fact they're petrified.

    Now his Budget Surplus target is starting to looking sick.
    Let's hear him spin his way out of that one.

    Penny Wong is another waffler - good on verbal spin and guff - but no substance whatsoever - and she dodges answering the question like a rabbit running from a bullet. (She goes to the same school as Gillard).

    If these people were gainfully employed by some reputable company many of them would be out on their ear by now. But, being "Politicians", they somehow imagine they have a golden halo, that this places them on some non-failing pedestal, and that we are all idiots, who are commanded to swallow their nonsense and listen unblinkingly to their distortions of truth.

    Yes, this political forum CAN get awfully boring - talking about all this. Including my own posts in this crticism of of course.
    But I keep going because I resent the fact that so many of these people are just NOT suited for the jobs they are holding down at such high remunerations. That, their hypocrisies, and the fact that they obviously think the average person must be stupid to swallow their constant lying. We are fed empty rhetoric - when we need action.

    As most aspects of politics can have often have such a heavy direct effect on financial markets, both here and overseas, and moreso with the volaitility of a hung Parliament, I feel it is important that we all have a vehicle to express our opinions on this site. After all, we, too can keep "them" (polite version) honest. Or at least let them know we're watching, and evaluating!
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