Comrade Bowen Wont tell you

  1. 20,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 499
    you must ask
    is the LABOR PARTY pushing these wind generators

    yes there can be only one reason

    "Wind energy failed on Thursday at what must be close to a record low"

    On a bad day $20 billion in wind power across Australia can only guarantee as much power as two diesel generators

    How much back-up do we need for our 11.5 gigawatt wind system? About 11.4 gigawatts.

    Wind energy failed on Thursday at what must be close to a record low — with barely 88MW of production from 11,500MW of wind turbines. That’s about 0.7% of total nameplate capacity.

    With construction costs running at $2 million for every theoretical megawatt of turbine, that’s $20 billion dollars of machinery sitting out there in the fields and forests of Australia producing about as much as two diesel generators.

    We have 84 industrial wind plants across 5 states of Australia, and the green band below was their total contribution to our national electricity needs on Thursday — put your reading glasses on.

    Things were even worse in Western Australia, where at the one point that afternoon when I happened to look the state’s total wind generation was minus 11MW.
    Some wind turbines were drawing a megawatt here and there, perhaps to keep the turbines rolling so they don’t get flat spots on bearings.

    It was an attack of another climate-denying high pressure cell on Thursday. There was no place in Australia good for wind generation except (maybe) for our research stations in Antarctica.

    Again, this is now a feature of our weather dependent electricity grid, unless the government can stop these high pressure cells or conquer New Zealand and build a bridge.

    MORE on the above link
    as it destroys the endless bull poo from LABOR about wind generators
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