Unreliables have pencilled in over usd $1.9 trillion

  1. 7,155 Posts.
    "Sydney, May 23, 2023 – Australia’s transition to a net-zero economy represents at least a USD$1.9 trillion investment opportunity in the country’s energy system by 2050, according to the New Energy Outlook: Australia report, published today by research company BloombergNEF (BNEF)... "


    The costs then escalate to multi trillions.

    "Talking about the cost is tricky given the Federal Government is yet to provide a specific path to net-zero. Research projects like Net Zero estimate that around $7-9 trillion of capital will need be to be invested into energy and infrastructure by 2060, with 1.5 trillion required by 2030. The project’s suggestion that Australia will need to double its amount of gas-fired generation capacity is at odds with environmentalist’s recommendations and an open letter issued by 118 scientists calling for an end to the Government’s proposed fossil fuel projects."


    And Chris Bowen is running this show.

    What the hell could go wrong!

    What a nerve these acolytes have.

    Above all else it is a CCP generated hoax that benefits the CCP and the parasitic dictatorships that infest the UN.

    Fabians in the West with their massive guilt chips on both shoulders have been squealing catastrophe for decades in order to fool the masses.

    Where is the political party that is prepared to take these cultists by the 'horn' and toss them into the dustbin of history

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