SUM summit minerals limited

Ann: Further High-Grade Niobium Results from Equador - Brazil, page-342

  1. 304 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 64
    Life is a topic that interests me greatly, if I can add something as a cause for thought. read or discard, your choice.

    There are ancient methods that have been re-hashed to suit modern times. A chap by the name of Ben Crowe has done alot of work with various people & org's leading to great outcomes,
    The Richmond Foofy club & Ash Barty are a few that come to mind. The main foundation of Ben's theory is to live a life of a "human being rather than a human doing", the "human being" part is based on identity & being true to yourself, your principles & values, in basic lingo, it means that you shouldn't give a stuff about how people perceive you, you just need to think about how you perceive yourself & to lay great importance in the relationships that matter. & that you have a focus on being a better version of your best self every day.
    The "human doing" part is the drainer, it's were you attache your identity to things, for example, Ash Barty realised that she was identified as a Tennis player & for a time she thought that thats all she was & it was all that was expected from her, this perception sapped alot of her energy as it created unneeded expectation & too much importance on what is "only a game". With Bens assistance Ash learnt a different path & from this she became a No.1 tennis player, but more importantly Ash is fantastic person, & was able to leave the sport on her own terms & with every aspect of herself & life fully intact, ..
    On a more common standing the message is, If one needs to attach their identity to material stuff to enhance their standing with people who you don't know or who don't know you, then they're selling themself short, & placing too high an expectation on yourself.. it is a shame that in this highly commercialised mainstream world its easy to be vulnerable to its deceptions, but on the other hand its good to know there are people out there carving a path for others to learn & grow from.

    I bring these messages to this platform because we're all here in search of abundant financial security, This can have major impacts of ones mental wellbeing.

    Take care everyone & have a great day.. & good luck!
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