housing - - rivaling great depression, page-10

  1. 7,867 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Massey..My sell signal in 07 when I sold my property and went all in to physical is when someone I know who was on the dole..owned ONLY an old guitar and got...yes wait for it..$680.000 loan for a house..I am very serious..and when I asked how he replied..The broker sais it's fine..everyones doing it..DOING WHAT?? getting low docs and fiddling the numbers.. I put my house on the market THE NEXT DAY and haven't looked back..

    Ladies and gentelmen..in the unlikely event that the plane goes into tail spin...Put YOUR mask on first before helping others..WHY?? because you might suffocate trying to help unreasonable people who panic and can't get their mask on!
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