PER 1.35% 7.5¢ percheron therapeutics limited

Assumptions, page-17

  1. 4,103 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1866
    @ Insulsa
    You wonder why people keep coming back here
    Is there any wonder when you have this guy going on as a constant

    So lets go through some off his posts

    I really am sick of his constant regurgitation of our group I did ignore the post below

    that’s because I’ve answered all the posts no one wanted to answer
    and I corrected the negative with cut and paste from Per announcements

    ( When have you ever been correct LOL absolute joke )

    90% of your posts are negative as pointed out by a few on this thread
    Long term holder quit this thread because a few didn’t agree with him

    well im sure we all know who the above was aimed at did I ask for that no, and I did stay away but the bait was set all the same

    I cop it everyday … for the past 10 yrs

    ( you poor thing you, I just wonder why you cop it everyday LOL )

    more so after the agm when they failed to spill the board and stop resolutions

    (No we didn’t spill the board but we did get two strikes over consecutive years so I thought it was a great effort on behalf of shareholders in support of voicing their opinions )

    What he does fail to say in here is that, I campaigned the old management some 15months out from the expiry of the oppis to support the reissue should they not be in the money i even sent details with ref on how it could be done, as I had gone through it with another Co, needless to say the oppis were not in the money and were reissued at minimal cost and upon their next expiry the majority were converted putting cash in the Co coffers

    What have you ever done for shareholders in ANP or for the Co for that matter you bottled out at the end of the day as the number one oppi holder and declared it was to risky to convert where as I contributed a 6 figure $ number in support of the company by converting LOL

    Now like Jesus MS has been resurrected…and in my opinion will be partnered with Big Pharma ..
    I will be posting less than 50% because I
    I’m culling those members who constantly need to be corrected from Per announcements and are just here to stir the pot.

    Has MS been Resurrected did I miss that ann pehaps you could copy and paste that fact for us all to see being as you are so fond of correcting us all with your copy and paste LOL absolutely ridiculous comment ) I am in need of correcting on this one so please oblige I will accept your copy and past on this occasion

    Break 8.9c with volume .. as JG would say “off to the races “”. Short term 12c
    You put a comsec line chart up and spruke the above ROFLMAO
    Did we get stuck in the stalls when the race started LOL

    Mr Learner
    If we all had the same amount of shares it would be a level field
    Stands to reason that those who have barely a marketable parcel don’t really care about shitt*ng in their own nest

    Who are you to say what people have, and do not have that post, you have absolutely no idea

    I watched the trades this am
    Watched the accumulator do his work

    Absolutely no idea Accumulator do his work PLEASE HELP ME

    Then you keep jabbing at the group

    What is this

    ( I have always said you just cannot read and digest, so for your information it clearly states the D*****D Percheron stock discussion group

    Why join?

    ( What you don’t know why, people are sick of your garbage and want to be able to discuss Per without being spammed of the page for any other opinion that does not fit your own LOL )

    People dropping off

    ( will cover that one below )

    You can get expert commentary here
    Vince , George , Mac9 ,etc (

    yes I agree but where is your name its not there because your not in the same calibre as the names you mention keep up the copy and pasting that’s what you call DD isnt it ROFLMAO

    What can you discuss besides your negativity with the Per Board and the lack luster Anthony..

    ( again I will cover this very shortly )

    The Per discussion group has the power to reject any new member..especially if they are supporters of Itsa.

    You think so highly of yourself supporters of itsa lol
    The Percheron stock discussion group has, I believe a better criteria for vetting its subjects than this Percheron board have in place with regards to how it quantifies its issue of company options to its board members, and also how it places its equity issue in the hands of the so called institutional investors complete joke to say the very least


    means you will never see inside the group that’s for sure hell will freeze over first

    There is no way they will accept you Insulsa
    You have no idea what our criteria is again full of S**T

    They keep advertising on the Per thread for new members
    which tells me their numbers are dwindling

    You really do think you are all that, and have all the answers when in actual fact you have absolutely no idea whatsoever

    If we are looking for new people why would we have a criteria for entry but on saying that yes our numbers are growing not dwindling and yes we are actually turning people away but not for the reason you say, full once more of self importance, infact I suppose what we should do is be thanking you as you drive more and more people away from this cess pit that you like to think you are top dog off

    LOL infact you gave us a full page add just recently
    with the PERCHERON STOCK DISCUSSION POST how dumb can one get, but hey keep up the good work, and I do apologies to those that get, and have been rejected its nothing personal I ensure you of that .

    I don’t care about their existance

    To say you don’t care about our existance you certainly appear to have lots to say about us, even to the point of accusing people here on HC that are not even apart of our GROUP but once again thank you for you contribution

    What can you discuss besides your negativity with the Per Board and the lack luster Anthony..

    ( again I will cover this very shortly )

    Well the line above what ever could we discuss in our group apart from the resident clown on HC well here goes you did ask and I will try just keep it current
    I will post some of my replies to discussions in our group and for the reason of respect for my fellow companions in the group I will not post any names or their parts of the conversations as im sure the majority barring one I suppose will get the jist of what has been asked
    The conversation revolved around the latest report from BP

    as in this

    below was my intial response in conversation over the BP report with various members of the group

    Good honest report i cannot believe how it is being cherry picked over on the other channel LOL But i suppose thats life over there.

    A fellow holder asked me about the lymphocyte reduction

    To which I replied

    Thats why i called it a good report ******, there are elements in there that you have picked along with their thoughts on marketing approval that the mob on the other channel would just not accept
    They may not be counting Lymphocyte as important as was once thought yet some how we managed to stabilize disease progression,
    Hence we are at an unknown and this once more IMHO was the importance of MRI, and i know i keep going on about it,
    But in our previous trial those MRI results gave reason to our whole trial we saw the difference in fat fraction our drug showed a difference in the physical make up so to speak it would have been scientific evidence had it been set up as a biomarker
    Without the MRI what would have our results been

    Our Primary outcome was basically Pharmokinetic and safety

    In other words how the drug was tolerated The study was not powered to see a change on the secondary endpoints from baseline to end of treatment.
    The safety profile of the drug was encouraging.

    No SAE’s were reported.

    Efficacy • The trial did not achieve the pre specified activity outcome measure of a significant (~25%) reduction in total lymphocyte count;

    So although we did reduce the lymphocyte count we never reached our target of 25% though they do suggest the higher dose may infact increase the odds of doing this

    Then read the Pul 2.0 score they did say the mean increase did show an encouraging trend

    So for mine the crowning glory, the stand out of our 2a was

    the evidence in the reduction of Fat fraction over such a short period

    But look into our 2b trial

    Our Primary endpoint will be Pull 2.0

    Secondry endpoint will be the myogrip test

    Lymphocyte is neither primary or secondary it is at the bottom of the list under other measures

    Would have been nice to have seen MRI set up as biomarker as secondary inclusion in our trial,.

    We are fully dependent on the strength of these boys in our outcome,
    lets hope they do show improvement

    Then the conversation moved onto Somascan Drill down to which I replied

    Well lets hope not only for our sakes, but for these boys the deep dive into, will show the reason for effect.

    That is part of the problem +++++ we showed stabilization and reduction in fat fraction = evidence of clinical effect

    But as yet they dont know why

    With the larger study lets hope in the scan drill down something becomes evident that we can relate to the FDA as evidence To support Pul2.0 results

    Then I carried on the conversation over the deal

    Also interesting they didnt value alongside a recent DMD deal being the CAP
    deal they chose to compare to NEU on a deal done some 6 years ago in a none relative field so looking at a comparison value wise

    Cap deal $30mil US upfront payment on the $705 mil

    On Their projection of $480 mil US
    would see us with a straight comparison to the above CAP deal

    would be a $20mil US upfront payment on the $480 mil

    Suppose they swung the NEU comparison because the CAP deal may have been above company expectations and fits within the companies downgrading of expectations LOL
    The conversation went on and I followed up with

    You know my thoughts on any deal *****

    i am just going of the report but it is backed in by James,s downgrading of expectancy from the Roche Deal which in all fairness i do believe is the
    TRUE VALUE if this gets approval

    They struck that deal mid phase 2 so accelerated approval should carry a minimum similar figure as far as i am concerned

    Obviously it is quite evident that if we deal before results we are not going to see that figure i think that has been made quite clear by now,

    So again its a sit and wait I believe it portrays company sentiment and along with that is very informative the problem is.

    some are just to blind to see what is put before them.

    Conversation carried on with other members and I followed up,

    With regards to Per im not quite sure if they being BP were instructed to iron out a few things in this report but it is very informative if you read and digest and i dont doubt they would print what the company said if the company did not say

    AS IN

    The data set from both trials along with toxicology work in non-human primates will form the basis of a future discussion with the FDA regarding a path to market.

    The company expects at least one additional clinical trial will be required for approval.

    Time will tell i suppose

    I did then put a call out to another one of our group with whom I do not always agree with but do respect his thoughts and asked for his opinion and my reply to his opinon was as such He thought the report was interesting to which I replied

    but they did go on to say ******

    The investigators concluded
    Results suggest ATL1102 suppresses CD49d+ expressing lymphocytes at a dose of 25mg
    per week.
    It is anticipated that higher doses will increase the level of lymphocyte reduction
    whilst maintaining a favourable safety profile in part due to sparing of the majority of T lymphocytes and NK lymphocytes

    just by how much will remain to be seen no one knows until results are out, its all guess work at this moment in time,

    although if the FDA are not throwing much weight on Lymphocytes yet it is classed as our biomarker again relation to, will depend on outcomes "

    If reduction of lymphocytes are shown to decrease and improve patient outcome ie improved or stabilised through Pul 2.0

    if it not through the down regulation of Lymphocytes the drug will be appear to be giving clinical benefit somewhere along the line.

    Which is all we are really looking for anything over and above stabilization i would imagine would give us a good case for them being the FDA to answer to

    and there the conversation ended but just to add TO

    the BP report stated

    ASO drugs remain a relatively new horizon for drug developers with FDA approved drugs for DMD so far having apparently minimal impact on patient outcomes.
    Even if the phase 2b trial meets the clinical endpoints, it is highly likely a further clinical trial will be required in order to gain an approval.

    We note the following:
    Secondary endpoints include lymphocyte count – current thinking is that lymphocyte count is not as strong a marker for disease progression as previously thought (and as described in the research by Woodcock et al)

    We note Exondys 51 received accelerated approval on the basis of three small studies of a similar size to the RCT for ATL1102 i.e. 10 to 15 patients.

    The approval remains controversial and for this reason it is highly doubtful that the FDA would consider an accelerated approval for ATL1102 unless the data was absolutely exceptional i.e. highly statistically significant on primary and secondary endpoints.

    We commence coverage with a valuation of $0.14 and Buy (Speculative) rating.

    The IP created by the clinical trials is clearly more than cosmetic and tends to support the sustainability of earnings for at least a decade following a POTENTIAL approval in DMD which we estimated many occur in 2027 or 2028.


    So just to clarify your question MR KNOW IT ALL

    What can you discuss besides your negativity with the Per Board and the lack luster Anthony..

    The above is just a minor conversation from what is being discussed in our Group since the BP report

    and that covers very little on our boards yet look at the pages of drivel on the great i am, in your beloved kingdom,
    you are welcome to it, its pathetic what you have pulled this forum down to

    Just look at the roses and rainbows the information that can be taken from that report and you cherry pick a $480mil deal which I believe is the the only miss in the whole report LOL

    You keep to your DD you have no idea LOL

    @Insulsa I have heard you ask why people do this, I don’t do this to S**T in my own nest I do this to make the Naive aware I was Naive once upon a time and paid the price dearly for going in blind

    That is what our group is all about bringing awareness to the fore, so that people lesser informed may have a better grasp on just what may or may not be going on, and make better decisions going forwards with their investment

    That is why I do it, People From these forums have helped me tremendously over my investing journey over the years if you are around long enough you get to know the genuine ones and there are a handfull I have a great respect for, our resident by the way is not one of them

    so I do this not to Sh**T in my own nest but to try to pay it back and hope that some unsuspecting soul is not taken advantage of, if I actually help someone along the journey and this is classed as SH*****NG in my own nest so to speak, then this I can live with in any case, what have I done or said that is not in the report anyway all you have to do is,

    READ AND DIGEST which our resident is completely incapable of doing as he has shown time and again

    I just wonder how long it will take to get this post spammed onto the next page on HC and into obscurity LOL

    On a final note




    I am far bettrer of where I am as you can see we obviously have nothing worth talking about YEAH RIGHT ROFLMAO

    GL to all especially the long term sufferers and especially the ones that actually have to suffer the garbage day in day out

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