ADO 5.56% 1.7¢ anteotech ltd

why ADO is a multi multi bagger, page-1379

  1. 4,575 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14334
    just my 2.1 cents worth into the discussion

    I agree with ozi, as well. what shareholder wouldn't . BUT communication been talked about at the last 2 agm's, in e-mails, in phone calls and nothing has changed. so just maybe this is how it will remain. one thing is a fact. if direct conversation with management doesn't change it, posts on hot copper certainly won't.

    personally, I reckon the communications over the last 6months has been pretty good. (and I'm willing to do a long post on it if challenged )  the challenging point, is do you believe what management has announced and how have management  marketed these announcements to shareholders and the overall market.

    with making management accountable at the agm. plenty of time before that for a pump of the sp or an actual commercial deal to be signed. plenty of possibilities to happen in that time that have been posted.

    then even if they don't happen, the vote against resolution3 at the egm only got 300m votes. (mine included). this was to stop major dilution of existing s/holders and it got beaten by more than 100m votes. there has been over 250m shares added in the raise and  those that participated in the raise  will be able to vote as well. whats the odds of voting anything down now ?


    You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
    Marcus Aurelius
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