professor who predicted tsunami predicts another n, page-12

  1. 504 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    yeah I know Sorrento, spent a lot of time there years ago,
    definately not the place now, it is too narrow
    saw the old fellow recounting his story how he saved his wife,
    they were swept from one side of the island to the other and were heading out to sea until someone gave them a board or something
    no I want hills behind to climb in case I am not high enough, actually don't know if I would have the energy to run up a hill
    or maybe I will just find a 10 story place to live

    anyway I am planning to move inland in a couple of years, just have to worry about the earthquakes without the tsunami
    a crack goes up the east coast of Vic in NE Vic and there is the Hume Dam up there in the middle of it
    is no where safe
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