Shots fired at Trump rally, page-468

  1. 16,657 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8106

    You are one of the very few people who see the world as it really is, instead of along biased, partisan political lines.

    Contemporary "democracy" is little other than a case of the dominant political interests all corralled roughly around the political center, where collectivist globalisation has been/is being facilitated, unwittingly or otherwise.

    So effectively, political parties masquerading as though they have differing policies and ideologies but, in effect, what we have today - not just in the US, but everywhere in the West - is really just a Uni-Party acting overwhelmingly in the interests of an alite few. A modern-day bourgeoisie, if you like.

    A consequence of this collectivist globalisation trend is the exporting of industry and low-skill commerce to developing parts of the world, resulting in a hollowing out of the middle-class and declining living standards of the working class in the US.

    This same dynamic is evident within other western nations.

    The Uni-Party might deliver for the elite, but not for the little man.

    And there is much historical precedent for things going badly awry when the middle and working classes feel disenfranchised and aggrieved.

    People on these forums have tribal political allegiances that are so deeply entrenched that they transcend both reason and the ability to see that, as Lenin said, "The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament."

    The political phenomenon that is Donald Trump is little other than a symptom of an underlying problem, namely that western "democracy" is only working for a slim minority.

    Not only is Trump not a Democrat, but he's also not even a Republican; what he is, is a manifestation of an expression of hope from the disenfranchised working classes whose living standards have been sacrificed in the Red Team vs Blue Team political theatre.

    Trump is the symptom; he's not the underlying cause.
    If not for Trump, someone else would fill the void.

    Nothing at all novel about this dynamic; history is replete with it.
    It is never sustainable; at some point the underclass revolts; either with arms or at the ballot box.

    And the elites - their heads buried firmly in the sand - invariably never see it coming.

    Coming soon.
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